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Virus may cause Kaposi's
Continued from page 1
Since then, KS is found in 25 percent to 50 percent of all gay men infected with HIV.
Moore said that the classic KS is a slowly developing disease of the skin but that in people with AIDS the cancer can spread throughout the body and is "very serious and very aggressive."
Laboratories all over the world have been trying to determine if KS is caused by some infectious agent. Other viruses or bacteria have been suggested in the past, but were never confirmed.
"It's really good work and it could be a substantial advance," Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Institutes of Health said in Science. 'But I have major questions." Gallo and other researchers suggest more proof is needed of the precise role of the virus in KS.
Change and Moore said they plan to test
for the virus in tissue from patients with the classic KS not associated with AIDS. If the virus is found there, it would support the suggestion that the virus causes KS.
There are seven human herpes virus, and all are troublesome.
Moore said that viral gene sequences isolated so far show that the new virus is most closely related to Epstein-Barr, a herpestype virus that causes mononucleosis and has been associated with some cancers, and to samimiri, a herpes virus that causes cancer in monkeys.
Chang, Moore and their colleagues found the virus gene sequences in 25 of 27 tissues tested from AIDS-related KS lesions. The sequences were found in six of 39 non-cancerous specimens from patients who had AIDS. In 85 people with neither AIDS nor KS, the gene sequences were not found. ♡
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Cleveland Hts. to pass ordinance
Continued from page 1
gather as much information as he could on other rights ordinances, and she put him in touch with Kelley.
He also gathered names of supportive residents. "I wanted to build up a list of Cleveland Heights residents who supported adding sexual orientation so we would be organized if there was any opposition. I gathered 80 signatures with petitions at Gifts of Athena," a feminist bookstore located within the city. Friends gave him lists of names, and enlisted the official support of a local church, the Unitarian Society of Cleveland.
By August, Kelley had been given the petitions, along with an inch-thick book which contained the texts of other Ohio lesbiangay-bisexual rights ordinances and material from national gay groups on ordinances, state laws, and corporate policies across the country.
Kelley then presented the idea to the rest of council, which received it favorably. The proposal then went to the city law director for specific language to be written.
"Things have gone very smoothly," said Braun, "and I am proud to live in a community that chooses to celebrate its diversity."
Braun had also proposed to include “sexual orientation" in the city's ethnic intimidation ordinance. This was not done, said Kelley,
because that ordinance may be affected by a Supreme Court case concerning a similar law. "We didn't want to do something, and then have to go back and do it again," Kelley said, adding that once that case is resolved, council would move to include "sexual orientation" in that ordinance also.
Five other Ohio cities have sexual orientation anti-discrimination measures on the books. Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Youngstown all passed ordinances in the early 1990s. Yellow Springs, home of Antioch College, enacted protections in the late 1970s.
Oberlin voters recently passed a job fairness measure covering city workers only.
But three Ohio towns have seen lesbian and gay civil rights ordinances voted off the books: Athens in 1989, Wooster in 1990, and Cincinnati in 1993. The Cincinnati ordinance is still in force following a ruling that the voter initiative is unconstitutional. That case is under appeal, and probably headed for the Supreme Court.
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